Interactive Wallpaper

product design for bakery café Sync OK


WORK: Product design

CLIENT: BAkery café SynC ok

LOCATION: Broederenstraat 29, Deventer

DATE: 2019

Pictures by: Vormbeeldig, Mariëlle DoLman

Sync OK is an innovative bakery café focussing on connecting with yourself and others making use of multiple playful elements in the interior. Find mindfulness, relaxation and focus by using the wall as a giant space for doodling and colouring.

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Grab a pen and get it out of your head!
The power of the phenomenon doodling has long been underestimated. Study shows it improves the abilities to memorize and focus. With this wallpaper, a print matching with the green interior of the café.
It invites visitors to finish the drawings or express their fantasy onto the surface. The whiteboard top layer makes the design easy to clean and therefore, usable over and over again, offering a mindful moment for every customer.

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The café

Sync OK offers an entirely vegan and gluten-free menu with various dining options for people with peanut, lactose and other allergies.
But above all, it is an inspirational place to discover amazing flavours, focus on mindfulness, durability and to connect over a cup.